Sense Fly Albris

  • Vancouver, BC V6B 3M6 (View Map)
  • Posted on: 12/11/19
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$12,500 (CAD)

  • SenseFly Logo Brand: SenseFly
  • Model Icon Model: Albris
  • Condition Icon Condition: Used
  • Description
  • Model Details
LIKE NEW, BARELY USED - Range 2km, approx 30hrs,1 Albris UAV, 12 batteries, charger, spare parts, tools/cleaners, carrying case.
Features: - 1 flight = 3 types of imagery
1. Main camera (HD video & high-res still camera)
2. Thermal camera + edge overlay (video & images)
3. Head navcam (wide-angle video camera) -

Albris can capture and geotag video, still and thermal imagery, all during the same flight, without landing to change cameras.

Advanced situational awareness Five dual sensor modules, positioned around the drone, enable Albris to get safely up close to structures and surfaces in order to achieve sub-millimeter image resolutions.

Choose between an autonomous, GPS guided mission or a live-streaming interactive flight, or start in autonomous mode and ‘go live’ on demand.

Factory maintained.
Model details and specifications are coming soon!


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