DroneTrader Changelog

Due to popular request we've started a changelog page that details some of our recent changes to the DroneTrader site. 

Check back often to see the great features we've been adding and the bugs we've been squashing!

[✅Indicates added or improved feature, 🔵indicates a fixed bug or resolved issue]

August 12, 2022

🔵 General code improvements and cleanup
🔵 Improved "Reset Password" messaging
🔵 Improved password policy forcing stronger passwords
🔵 Security improvements to back end of site


July 8, 2021

🔵Major server and code upgrades to DroneTrader.com! We've cleaned up lots of old data, improved the performance of our servers and improved some processes as to how data is stored and handled. Users should notice much faster and smoother site performance!
🔵Switched to lightweight and high speed blog theme for blog.dronetrader.com to improve blog speed and performance. Also fixed several layout and font issues.


January 20, 2021

          🔵Fixed an issue where some users that checked out with Paypal were being charged for all the upgrades available instead of just the ones they had initially selected. Stripe users not affected.
          🔵Improved backend handling of blacklisted users to reduce spam messaging.


January 4, 2021

          🔵Fixed an issue where some users were unable to reset their password when resetting the password via their profile page


October 12, 2020

          🔵Fixed issue where some users were unable to update their profile photo.


October 1, 2020

          ✅Improved functionality and display rules for LiveChat support function


July 7, 2020

🔵Fixed an issue where the "Link to Website" field was no longer being displayed (which resolved issues some users were having when trying to edit an ad via the app)


May 22, 2020

✅The Android version of the DroneTrader app is now live! Download it at https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.dronetrader.app&hl=en_CA


April 29, 2020

🔵Pushed out multiple updates and fixes to the DroneTrader iOS app. Fixed issues some users were having with Apple Pay, improved search filtering in the app and improved error handling.
🔵Improved the way emails are handled when posting an ad (no need to enter an email address any more!)


April 18, 2020

✅Major updates to the iOS DroneTrader app! Added features such as being able to feature ads from within the app, user interface improvements, better search filtering and more!


April 14, 2020

🔵Significantly improved mobile useability for customers posting ads from their mobile devices
🔵Fixed issues with the way payment fields were rendered on mobile devices


April 9, 2020

🔵Fixed an issue where some users were getting the error message "Please upload at least one photo" even though they had already uploaded photos.
🔵Fixed an issue where some users on some devices were not able to see the "Upload Images" portal on mobile devices.


April 8, 2020

✅HEIC photos (the new Apple format for photos) can now be uploaded to DroneTrader! Photos will be automatically converted so that they can be viewed on all browsers.


April 6, 2020

🔵Fixed issue where Apple HEIC photos would "freeze" an ad submission. Automatic HEIC to JPEG conversion coming soon!


April 4, 2020

🔵Fixed the issue of the missing "Other" category. This has been added back (direct link: https://canada.dronetrader.com/ads/drones-uavs/other or find all available categories at https://canada.dronetrader.com/drone-ads).


March 30, 2020: Asynchronous photo loading

✅Added asynchronous loading of photos to decrease loading and wait times when posting an ad


March 26, 2020Bug fixes

🔵Fixed issue where there were two "Other" categories that would cause problems for some users when posting an ad to that section


March 19, 2020: Fixed links

🔵Fixed issue where some previous product links no longer worked
🔵Improved readability of URL structures


March 17, 2020: More bug fixes and improvements

🔵Fixed issue where menus would not collapse when clicked on a second time
🔵Increased font size and spacing in certain areas of the site to improve readability and mobile usability
🔵Further improved ad filtering so that "newest first" filter overrides "featured" filter


March 16, 2020: Search improvements, layout tweaks, bug fixes

✅Due to multiple requests we've added ability to search for multiple models at once (eg: if a user wants to see all the Inspire 1 and 2 models currently listed they can now do so!)
✅Made phone number field clickable and improved how phone number inputs are handled
🔵Further improved security of phone number and messaging box fields to eliminate bot-dialers and spam calls
🔵Fixed an issue some users were having where search filters could not be collapsed once opened
🔵Tweak some text layouts to be more user friendly
🔵Fixed the links on the https://dronetrader.com/drone-ads page (great page to quickly scan all the categories on DroneTrader and which ones have ads)


March 13, 2020: Some more bug fixes!

🔵Fixed problem with our iOS app not linking properly to the DroneTrader database. Some users were not seeing images displayed when using the DroneTrader app
🔵Improved resolution of thumbnail images and allow users to view full resolution ad images


March 12, 2020: We fixed several bugs that snuck in with the website update such as:

🔵Twitter and Facebook logins fixed for Canadian users
🔵Added back in more search filters and being able to search by brand/model again
🔵Fixed issue on Canadian side that didn't allow users to edit their ads
🔵Increased font size across the board to make things a little easier to read
🔵Fixed some responsive/mobile issues with our Live Chat window
🔵Speed optimizations across the site to decrease page load times and site responsiveness
🔵Fixed some issues with images/logos not displaying in the spots they should be
✅Made the site header and navigation "sticky" so it is always visible when scrolling down the page
🔵Fixed an image upload error some users were experiencing
🔵Fixed the layout of our FAQ page to make it a little easier to read and navigate
🔵Fixed issue where "Delete Account" link was missing from users account page
🔵Fixed password reset issue that did not allow users to reset their password properly


March 11, 2020: Today marked the launch of the complete revamp of our DroneTrader website! We've spent the last few months designing and building a completely new website that implements many of the features you've been asking for!

Some features we've added include:
✅A much more streamlined ad posting interface
✅Easier to navigate maps that tell you at a glance which city the listing is located in
✅Several new "ad upgrade" features such as being able to highlight your ad, mark it as urgent, allowing users to add links back to their websites and more
✅A more intuitive messaging system as well as canned messages for easier and quicker communication
✅Improved "behind the scenes" security to reduce spam messages
✅A "Popular Searches" section that allows users to quickly navigate to our most popular listings
Live chat support integrated on every page
✅A better login flow
✅And SO much more...